Mediumship As A Service
Schedule an Appointment Here
What Is Mediumship
Many people try to explain mediumship in different ways. Some are more poetic than others. To keep it simple, I explain mediumship as an energetic connection between here and the intelligence of those who passed. The Medium interprets the connection, provides evidence of the energy's existence and genuinely tries to put the energy to words that are meaningful to the sitter.
Kathy's Focus During Readings
As my mediumship evolves, so will my scope of focus. Currently, I focus on a meaningful connection between a sitter and someone who passed. My intention is to bring forth a wanted connection, provide significant evidence that their energy is still alive and well, provide an opportunity to address personal wants and needs of loved ones and try to deliver any meaningful message from the energy in Spirit to the one seeking the interaction.
When you enter a session, the hope is you come with an open mind and a willing spirit. Once we begin, I will sit quietly for a moment or two and bring to you whatever sensations I am receiving. I will ask for your input at different times during our reading once our connection has been established. My hope is that you relax, be open and enjoy participating in an amazing experience.
Things To Consider
Mediumship is an interpretive experience. Please come to each session with an open heart and an open mind. I try to cater to your specific wants and needs. I do not do predictions and I am not interested in belief systems that are not with God. This is truly a spiritual connection. I try to get out of the way and just be a connection for you and Spirit. My work is for your own personal enjoyment and peace in knowing our love lives on.
Virtual Reading
Cost: $50.00​
Currently I am offering in person and virtual meetings.
Virtual meetings last about 45 minutes.
To schedule e-mail​
Our time together will be specifically catered to your wants and desires for your time with your loved ones.
I do request 24 hour notice of cancellation.
If you would like, please e-mail me a review of your experience by clicking here.
Frequently Asked Questions
"I know it was my mom who came through but why didn't she tell me the word I asked her to say to prove it was really her?"
The connection made is soul to soul. I, the medium, need to tune into the same frequency as of the information coming through. I am confident that your mom is giving me the word you are looking for. The challenge is for me to pick up on that particular frequency in which she is sending that word. (It is like tuning in to the right radio station.) I shared many things accurately which is validating however I can only share what I tune into. As my practice grows, I know I will be able to expand my ability to pick up on more and more frequencies.
Why didn't I get who I wanted to hear from?
When I set my intention as I start to work, I always ask for a meaningful interaction between you and Spirit. In my practice, I always ask if there is anyone in particular you would like to hear from. If there is, I set my intention to connect with them. Usually it works. If it doesn't work, I assume that the connection that was made was very important for either you or for the one in Spirit. If you don't get a reading with the person you hoped to hear from, I would be happy to schedule another time to connect again.
"How do you do this?"
It's all about energy. Everything has energy... you have energy, trees have energy, even grass has energy. When people pass, it is only a leaving of the body. The person's energy still exists. With a quiet mind and a loving intention, I am able to welcome the energy of those who have crossed over to come near me. I then try to connect my energy with your loved one's energy. Once that happens, then I try to interpret the information being passed through me in hopes of showing that our loved ones are always around us if we want or need them.